
#LafiyaListens: Living With Sickle Cell
I was woken up by a sharp pain in my chest. It felt as though somebody had taken a dagger straight to the centre of my diaphragm. I...

Racism and Mental Health
What is Racism? This may seem like a ridiculous question, but for a lot of people, the definition of racism differs. For instance, some...

#LafiyaListens: Coming to Terms with Depression and Anxiety
Starting university was a new path in my life that I was very ready for. I would be moving from home to a new environment where I didn’t...

Schizophrenia, Black Men and Common Misconceptions
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that may cause someone to act and perceive things differently. Symptoms include experiencing...

Words of Encouragement During Your Mental Health Journey
Mental health is a huge issue in the UK and around the world with 1 in 4 people in the UK being diagnosed every year. A growth in...