
#LafiyaListens: Living With Sickle Cell
I was woken up by a sharp pain in my chest. It felt as though somebody had taken a dagger straight to the centre of my diaphragm. I...

Racism and Mental Health
What is Racism? This may seem like a ridiculous question, but for a lot of people, the definition of racism differs. For instance, some...

#LafiyaListens: Coming to Terms with Depression and Anxiety
Starting university was a new path in my life that I was very ready for. I would be moving from home to a new environment where I didn’t...

Schizophrenia, Black Men and Common Misconceptions
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that may cause someone to act and perceive things differently. Symptoms include experiencing...

Words of Encouragement During Your Mental Health Journey
Mental health is a huge issue in the UK and around the world with 1 in 4 people in the UK being diagnosed every year. A growth in...

Mental Wealth - Overcoming Money Issues
People suffering from mental health problems are three times more likely to be in debt. This is due to the clear interaction between...

#LafiyaListens: Living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Whenever I am asked this question I stall for a minute. To many people, Polycystic Ovarian...

Dementia does not Discriminate
In 2013, the All-Party Parliamentary Group published a study titled “Dementia does not discriminate” exploring the experiences of black,...

#LafiyaListens: Mentally Ill Whilst African
Many cultures around the world are still exploring mental health, what it means and how to treat/respond to mental illnesses, for...

#LafiyaListens: My Postnatal Depression Story
I’ve spent a lot of time searching online for a face similar to mine in the conversation of motherhood & mental health. I’ve yearned for...

Black Children and Autism
Autism is a broad term for a range of conditions that stunt social integration and communication skills; it is usually detected in early...

Keeping Mum Healthy
To celebrate Mother’s Day, we’re going to talk about health interventions for middle-aged women! While they definitely show superhuman...

Religion and Mental Health
Religion is an integral part of life for many as it provides comfort, purpose and direction. Its influence on people can be vast and...

Emotional Abuse Interview
When we hear the word "abuse", we normally (rightfully) attach negative connotations to it and understand that it should not be inflicted...

Teetering On The Edge: Are YOU pre-diabetic?
Did you know that there are 9 main types of diabetes? Only 2 can be prevented and 1 out of the 2 is the most common type of diabetes....